World AIDS Day

December 1st  is World AIDS Day every year. This day aims to draw global attention and attention to AIDS and promote the development of AIDS prevention, treatment and support services. It also aims to commemorate those who have passed away from AIDS and to support those currently battling the disease. Through World AIDS Day activities, people can better understand the dangers, transmission routes and preventive measures of AIDS, care for and support AIDS patients, and promote the progress of AIDS prevention and treatment.


AIDS is a serious immune system disease caused by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. HIV is spread through blood, sexual contact, shared syringes, and from mother to child.

AIDS gradually damages the body’s immune system, leaving people vulnerable to infection and serious health problems. There is no specific treatment for HIV, but antiretroviral therapy (ART) can control viral replication and maintain immune system function. Additionally, HIV prevention is critical, including using safe contraception, using sterile syringes, practicing safe sex, undergoing HIV screening, and HIV vaccine development.

While HIV remains a serious global public health problem, through education, advocacy and support, we can reduce the spread of HIV and provide people living with HIV with the necessary support and care to improve their quality of life.

Our Company Baysen Focus on  improving the health of the people, Till now we had ddeveloping HIV AB rapit test, HIV AB/P24 Rapid test and Diabench infectiou combo test  for fast detectiong the HIV disease .

Post time: Dec-01-2023