What is Malaria ?

What is Malaria ?

Malaria is an infectious disease caused by parasites and is mainly spread through mosquito bites. Symptoms of malaria include high fever, chills, headache, muscle pain and anemia. Severe malaria can lead to organ failure and even death.


The dangerous of Malaria :

Malaria is a serious infectious disease whose dangers include:

1)Life threat: Malaria can cause high fever, anemia, organ failure and even death. Malaria is particularly dangerous for children and pregnant women.

2)Socioeconomic impact: Malaria can have severe economic and social impacts in affected areas, as those affected require treatment and care, which increases health care expenditures and reduces the workforce.

3)Global health threat: Malaria poses a threat to global public health due to its contagious nature and the widespread distribution of mosquitoes as vectors.

Therefore, preventing and controlling malaria is crucial to protecting people’s health, promoting economic development, and maintaining global public health security.

Testing methods:

1)Blood smear test: This is a common method of testing for malaria by smearing a sample of the patient’s blood on a slide and looking under a microscope for the presence of parasites.

2)Rapid Diagnostic Test Strip (RDT): This is a simple and rapid test method that diagnoses by detecting the presence of Plasmodium antigens in a patient’s blood sample.

3)Molecular diagnosis: Molecular biology methods such as PCR (polymerase chain reaction) can detect the DNA of Plasmodium with high accuracy and sensitivity.

Malaria testing should be performed by professional medical personnel and the appropriate testing method should be selected based on the patient’s symptoms and medical history. Early diagnosis and treatment are of great significance to the control and prevention of malaria.

We Baysen Medical have one step rapid test for Malaria detection including  Mal-PF Test, Mal-PF/PV Test,Mal-PF/PAN Test 





Post time: Apr-16-2024