The Double Ninth Festival

The Double Ninth Festival is a traditional Chinese festival celebrated on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month. The Double Ninth Festival is also known as the “Old Man’s Day”. On this day, people respect, worship and accompany their elders.


 The Double Ninth Festival has a long history and originated from Chinese sacrificial activities. In ancient times, people believed that on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, Yang Qi was at its strongest and Yin Qi was at its weakest. Therefore, sacrificial rituals were held to pray for the blessings of ancestors and to ward off disasters. In addition, the Double Ninth Festival is also considered a good time to ward off evil spirits and diseases.

In modern society, people celebrate the Double Ninth Festival in various ways. Many people will go home to visit their elderly parents or grandparents to spend this special holiday with them. People also hike mountains, go on outings, have dinner parties, appreciate chrysanthemums, etc. to celebrate the arrival of the festival. In addition, the Double Ninth Festival is also considered a good time to exercise and improve health.

Many people participate in outdoor activities, such as mountain climbing, hiking, etc., to strengthen their physical fitness and improve their physical and mental health. In general, the Double Ninth Festival is a traditional festival that means good luck, respecting elders and improving health. People celebrate this special day in different ways.

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Post time: Oct-23-2023