How to Avoid Mycoplasma Pneumoniae infection

There are some differences between the new coronavirus (COVID-19) and mycoplasma Pneumoniae infection, such as infection routes, symptoms and epidemiological characteristics. The new coronavirus is mainly spread through droplets, and people may develop symptoms such as fever, cough, and difficulty breathing after infection. Mycoplasma pulmonis is a bacterial infection that is common in upper respiratory tract infections and pneumonia. Symptoms may include cough, fever, sore throat, etc. In addition, the epidemiological characteristics and mode of transmission of the new coronavirus are also different from those of  mycoplasma Pneumoniae infection.

Measures to prevent Mycoplasma Pneumoniaeinfection include:

1)Practice good personal hygiene, such as washing hands frequently and avoiding touching your mouth, nose, and eyes.

2)Avoid contact with saliva, droplets or secretions of infected people. Maintain a healthy lifestyle with adequate sleep, a balanced diet and moderate exercise to enhance your immunity.

3)Avoid sharing personal items such as cutlery, cups and towels. If you need to come into contact with someone who has a pulmonary mycoplasma infection, you can reduce the risk of infection by wearing personal protective equipment such as a mask.

In addition to the above measures, timely medical treatment and treatment according to the doctor’s recommendations are also key measures to prevent infection.

Here We baysen have  Rapid test for  deteciton of Mycoplasma Pneumoniae infection

Post time: Dec-11-2023