Good News-Our another test-CTNI test Get Malaysia’ MDA approval

Congratulation !!!

Our another Test -CTNI  Test get  Malaysia’ MDA approval !



According to study ,  90% of myocardial infarctions can be prevented. Regular health check-ups can help detect the path of disease early, provide timely treatment, and prevent further deterioration of the disease. The “Chinese Expert Consensus on Laboratory Testing and Clinical Application of Cardiac Troponin” points out that cTnIis the preferred marker for diagnosing acute myocardial infarction, and TnT and TnI have the same diagnostic value. cTnI/cTnT has also been unanimously evaluated by the American and European societies of cardiology as an ischemic marker for the diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction and high heart disease. For patients with minimal damage who have been unable to change through electrocardiogram and have no typical clinical symptoms, detection cTnI/cTnT is also currently the best auxiliary diagnostic indicator.

We Baysen always focus on diagnostic techniques to improve the quality of live

Post time: Feb-21-2024